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Create Your Emergency Kit Today For Your Mendon, MA Business

6/20/2024 (Permalink)

building with green overlay and text with SERVPRO orange logo One of the most important steps you can take is to assemble an emergency kit with essential items.

As we enter the season of potential severe weather and emergencies, being prepared is crucial. One of the most important steps you can take is to assemble an emergency kit with essential items. This kit should be easily accessible in case of evacuation or other emergencies.

What to Include in Your Emergency Kit:

  • Water: One gallon per person per day for at least three days, for drinking and sanitation.
  • Non-perishable food: At least a three-day supply of non-perishable food items.
  • Medications: A seven-day supply of any prescription medications you or your family members may need.
  • Flashlights and batteries: To provide light during power outages.
  • First aid kit: Including bandages, antiseptic wipes, pain relievers, and any necessary prescription medications.
  • Important documents: Copies of your identification, insurance policies, medical records, and other important documents in a waterproof container.

Additional Items to Consider:

  • Cash: In case ATMs and credit card machines are not accessible during an emergency.
  • Clothing and blankets: To keep warm in case of evacuation or loss of power.
  • Personal hygiene items: Such as toothbrushes, toothpaste, and sanitary products.

Keep Your Kit Easily Accessible:

  • Store your emergency kit in a designated place that is easy to access in case of evacuation.
  • Make sure all family members know where the kit is located.

Why Choose Us?

In the event of an emergency, we are here to assist with cleanup and restoration services. Our team is available 24/7 to respond to emergencies and help you get back on your feet as quickly as possible.

Don't wait until it's too late. Take the time to assemble your emergency kit today and ensure you and your family are prepared for whatever comes your way.

Choose the #1 experts in cleanup and restoration for residential and commercial fire, mold, water, and storm damage. Contact us today! We can assist with your damage and restoration needs in Mendon, MA.

How to Protect Your Business from Flood Damage in Natick, MA

5/9/2024 (Permalink)

water flooding in background with text overlay By taking these proactive measures, businesses can protect themselves from flood damage and minimize the impact of spring storms.

Spring brings a sense of renewal, but it also presents challenges, especially regarding weather. Storms can bring heavy rain, leading to flooding and other hazards that threaten businesses. In Natick, MA, businesses must prepare and safeguard their property and operations.

  • Understanding flood risk is key. Checking flood maps can help identify flood-prone areas. If your business is at risk, consider installing flood barriers and sealing cracks.
  • Reviewing insurance coverage is crucial, as standard commercial policies often exclude flood damage. It may be wise to consider a separate flood insurance policy for adequate protection.
  • Developing a flood preparedness plan is essential. This should include property protection strategies, employee evacuation procedures, and shutdown protocols. Regularly updating this plan is advisable.
  • To protect property, elevate equipment above potential flood levels and store documents and data off-site or in the cloud.
  • Staying informed about weather conditions is essential. Monitor forecasts and alerts to prepare for potential flooding threats.
  • Prepare an emergency kit containing water, food, medications, and first aid supplies. Keep it easily accessible in case of an emergency.
  • Train employees on how to respond to floods, including safe evacuation routes and shelter locations. Regularly inspect and maintain the property to identify vulnerabilities.
  • Consider implementing floodproofing measures such as flood barriers, sump pumps, and backflow valves to minimize flood impact and damage.

By taking these proactive measures, businesses can protect themselves from flood damage and minimize the impact of spring storms. If needed, SERVPRO Of Natick Milford is available for flood damage restoration services.

We are proud to serve our local communities:

Natick, MA, Milford, MA, Mendon, MA, Blackstone, MA, Holliston, MA, North Natick, MA, South Natick, MA, Hopedale, MA

Understanding Commercial Fires in Milford, MA

4/23/2024 (Permalink)

Fire in background with box and SERVPRO logo Don't let a commercial fire derail your operations and jeopardize your livelihood.

For business owners, few disasters are as devastating as a commercial fire, with impacts reaching operations, finances, employee safety, and the community.

Understanding the root causes, implementing prevention protocols, and knowing how to recover swiftly are critical for protecting your assets and future.

Common Causes of Commercial Fires

Commercial fires often result from electrical malfunctions, heating system issues, human error like unattended cooking, improper storage of flammable materials, or even arson. Identifying and mitigating these risks is crucial for preventing potential catastrophes.

Proven Prevention Strategies

Reducing fire risks requires a comprehensive approach, including regular maintenance of all systems, thorough employee fire safety training, proper storage of combustible materials, enforced smoking policies, and functional fire detection and suppression equipment such as alarms and sprinklers. This multifaceted approach significantly minimizes the risk of a fire outbreak.

The Road to Recovery

In case of a fire at your business premises, key steps can initiate the recovery process. Quickly assessing the damage extent, contacting your insurance provider, securing the property from further harm, engaging professional cleanup and restoration services, and meticulously planning the reconstruction process are vital for successfully reopening your business.

Don't let a commercial fire derail your operations and jeopardize your livelihood. Rapidly responding and involving professional fire restoration experts is crucial for mitigating damage, ensuring proper cleanup, and efficiently getting your business back up and running after a fire disaster. By prioritizing prevention and having a well-defined recovery plan, you can safeguard your business against the devastating effects of a commercial fire.

Service Areas

Natick, MA, Milford, MA, Mendon, MA, Blackstone, MA, Holliston, MA, North Natick, MA, South Natick, MA, Hopedale, MA

Rebuilding Commercial Spaces After Damage

3/10/2024 (Permalink)

Green box with text and orange SERVPRO logo Here are the key steps involved in rebuilding commercial spaces after damage in Natick, MA.

Natural disasters, accidents, and unforeseen events can devastate commercial properties, leaving behind extensive damage.

However, with the right approach, it's possible to rebuild and restore these spaces to their former glory. Here are the key steps involved in rebuilding commercial spaces after damage in Natick, MA.

  • Assessment and Documentation: Thoroughly assess the damage and document it with photographs and detailed notes. This documentation is crucial for insurance claims and working with contractors.
  • Safety and Security: Prioritize safety by securing the site and eliminating hazards. Install temporary fencing or barriers to prevent unauthorized access before starting any work.
  • Insurance Claims: Promptly contact your insurance provider to file a claim and provide them with the necessary documentation and evidence. Work closely with your insurer to facilitate a smooth claims process.
  • Selecting Contractors: Choose experienced and reputable contractors for the rebuilding process. Obtain multiple quotes and ask for references to ensure you hire the right team for the job.
  • Permits and Regulations: Check local regulations and secure any required permits before beginning the rebuilding process to avoid delays and fines.
  • Demolition and Cleanup: If necessary, hire professional demolition teams to safely remove debris and clean up the site after extensive damage.
  • Structural Repairs: Repair structural damage by rebuilding walls, replacing roofs, and reinforcing foundations. Work closely with structural engineers to ensure the building's integrity.
  • Interior Restoration: Once the structure is stable, focus on restoring the interior, including replacing flooring, walls, ceilings, and fixtures.
  • Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing Systems: Have all systems inspected and repaired by qualified professionals to ensure safety and functionality.
  • Final Inspections and Certification: Schedule final inspections with local authorities to ensure the building meets safety and building code requirements. Obtain a certificate of occupancy before reopening for business.
  • Reopening and Marketing: Once the rebuilding is complete, reopen your commercial space. Consider a marketing campaign to inform customers and attract new business,

Rebuilding a commercial space in Natick, MA, after damage can be a daunting task, but with careful planning and the right team in place, it's possible to restore your property to its former glory. By following these steps, you can navigate the rebuilding process smoothly and efficiently, ensuring a successful outcome.

SERVPRO Of Natick Milford is The #1 Choice in Cleanup and Restoration for commercial buildings’ fire, mold, water, and storm damage. We are ready to assist businesses in Natick, MA | Milford, MA | Blackstone, MA | Mendon, MA | Holliston, MA | South Natick, MA | North Natick, MA | Hopedale, MA

Does Your Business Have a Fire Evacuation Plan In Natick Milford MA? 

1/8/2024 (Permalink)

SERVPRO working with green text box and orange SERVPRO logo Prioritizing the safety of your employees and visitors through a well-executed plan not only fulfills legal obligations but also reflects a commitment

In the fast-paced realm of business, it's easy to become absorbed in the daily hustle and overlook critical elements of workplace safety.

One such imperative that often takes a backseat is the formulation of a comprehensive fire evacuation plan. While we fervently hope for the avoidance of disasters, preparedness for the worst can play a pivotal role in safeguarding your employees, clients, and assets. Discover the significance of implementing a fire evacuation plan for your business and the proactive steps you can take to ensure the safety of everyone involved.

The Significance of a Fire Evacuation Plan:

  • Preserving Lives and Assets: The primary objective of a fire evacuation plan is to facilitate the swift and secure evacuation of all individuals within the building in the event of a fire. Lives are irreplaceable, and a well-devised plan can significantly reduce the risk of injuries or fatalities. Additionally, it serves to safeguard valuable assets and sensitive information crucial for the continuity of your business.
  • Legal Compliance: Many jurisdictions mandate that businesses establish a fire evacuation plan. Complying with local fire safety regulations is not merely a legal obligation but also a moral commitment to prioritizing the well-being of your employees and visitors. Failure to adhere to these regulations can result in severe consequences, including fines and legal actions.
  • Sustaining Business Continuity: While the immediate concern during a fire is the safety of individuals, a robust evacuation plan also contributes to sustaining business continuity. A well-prepared plan ensures that essential operations can resume swiftly after the incident, minimizing disruptions and potential financial losses.

Steps to Develop an Effective Fire Evacuation Plan:

  • Conduct a Risk Assessment: Begin by identifying potential fire hazards within your premises, including electrical equipment, flammable materials, or insufficient fire prevention measures. Understanding these risks is the initial step in formulating a targeted evacuation plan.
  • Establish Clear Evacuation Routes: Designate primary and alternative evacuation routes, ensuring they are well-lit, unobstructed, and easily accessible. Account for the specific needs of individuals with disabilities and make provisions to assist them during evacuations.
  • Implement an Emergency Communication System: Set up a robust communication system to promptly alert occupants of a fire. This may involve fire alarms, intercoms, or other notification methods. Regularly test and maintain these systems to ensure they function correctly when needed.
  • Assign Responsibilities: Clearly define the roles and responsibilities of designated personnel during a fire evacuation. This includes individuals responsible for sounding alarms, guiding occupants to safety, and ensuring a headcount at assembly points.
  • Conduct Regular Drills and Training: Practice enhances preparedness. Conduct fire evacuation drills regularly to familiarize employees with evacuation procedures and exit routes. Provide training on fire safety, including the proper use of firefighting equipment, empowering individuals to respond effectively in an emergency.

A fire evacuation plan transcends being a mere document on a shelf; it's a dynamic and living strategy that can make a significant difference in the face of a crisis. Prioritizing the safety of your employees and visitors through a well-executed plan not only fulfills legal obligations but also reflects a commitment to the well-being of the people contributing to your business's success. Take the time to review and update your fire evacuation plan regularly, ensuring everyone in your organization is prepared to respond swiftly and decisively in the event of a fire emergency. Remember, safety should always be at the forefront of your business priorities in Natick, Milford, MA.

What are the steps for a commercial rebuild in Natick Milford MA?

3/5/2023 (Permalink)

Orange background with text and SERVPRO logo We service Blackstone, Hopedale, Mendon, Milford, Natick, North Natick, and South Natick MA.

Commercial rebuilds can be an exciting and daunting undertaking for any business owner. Here are the essential steps you need to follow to ensure a successful commercial rebuild.

Step 1: Determine what changes you want to make and why. This will help you determine the scope of the project and the budget you'll need to allocate. 

Step 2: You will need to hire an experienced contractor to help you plan and execute the rebuild. Look for professionals with experience in commercial construction.

Step 3: Before you can start construction, you'll need to obtain the necessary permits and approvals from the local building department. 

Step 4: Demolition and site preparation: Once you have all the necessary permits and approvals, you can start the demolition and site preparation process. 

Step 5: The construction phase involves building the new structure according to the plans created by your architect. This will include everything from framing and roofing to electrical and plumbing systems. 

Step 6: Inspections and final touches: After construction is complete, your building will need to be inspected to ensure that it meets all safety and building codes. Once the inspections are complete, you can begin adding the final touches, such as flooring, paint, and fixtures.

Step 7: Once the final touches are complete, you can move back into the building and reopen your business. 

With the help of experienced professionals, you can transform your business and take it to the next level.

We service Blackstone, Hopedale, Mendon, Milford, Natick, North Natick, and South Natick MA.

SERVPRO Of Natick Milford is The #1 Choice in Cleanup and Restoration for residential and commercial buildings’ fire, mold, water, and storm damage. 

SERVPRO of Natick Milford Shares How to Deal with Fire and Smoke Damage in a Home or Business 

1/7/2023 (Permalink)

Green box with text and orange SERVPRO logo SERVPRO of Natick Milford is trained in a variety of different related clean-up including the latest professional equipment, tools, and procedures.

It is not common for fire loss, soot damage, or smoke damage problems to occur in any building.

When a firefighter enters a fire, their first defense is to use lots of water to extinguish the fire. The steps that firefighters take to control the fire will leave back ashes, fire loss, soot damage, smoke damage or air quality problems. You will need to hire a professional to get the remainder of the damage taken care of.  SERVPRO of Natick Milford is trained in a variety of different related clean-up including the latest professional equipment, tools, and procedures. 

With our fire cleanup efforts, the business can get back to business as soon as it is physically possible.

Smoke and fire damage situation is different for everyone, each situation requires a unique solution tailored to the specific conditions. 

SERVPRO of Natick Milford is your premier choice for fire damage and restoration. Our teams are ready to respond 24 hours a week, any day of the year. When you bring us on the job our team of licensed contractors and certified technicians will work collaboratively with you throughout the duration of the project. They will keep you updated on the project's status and ensure that your expectations are met. We will help you to move forward and make it “Like it never even happened” for all of your fire damage.

SERVPRO of Natick Milford m Is the Damage Cleanup Restoration & Construction Company

6/3/2022 (Permalink)

Black background with orange text and SERVPRO logo SERVPRO of Natick Milford understands that water damage is a huge inconvenience, but will work quickly so your business can get back to normal

You cannot predict when the disaster will arrive at your commercial building. Knowing who to call when disaster strikes are the first step after commercial property damage such as a fire, water, or storm damage. SERVPRO of Natick Milford is the industry leader and is available 24 hours a day to provide property owners with emergency cleanup, restoration, and construction needs.

When you face damage to your commercial properties SERVPRO of Natick Milford will be there to help. We restore properties that have damage such as floods, toilet overflows, water leaks, and pipe breaks to sprinkler malfunctions. We will make it our priority to get your buildings back to working quickly.

SERVPRO of Natick Milford understands that water damage is a huge inconvenience, but will work quickly so your business can get back to its normal day-to-day functioning. We have the equipment, training, and experience to find and dry the water before secondary damage sets in. 

We are proud to serve our local communities:

SERVPRO of Natick Milford is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you and help you with commercial damage. “Like it never even happened.”

How to Prevent Water Damage in Your Commercial Building in Natick Milford MA

2/16/2022 (Permalink)

blue background with white text and orange SERVPRO logo The cold weather can take a toll on buildings. Taking preventative maintenance steps to avoid costly restoration is important.

The cold weather can take a toll on buildings. Taking preventative maintenance steps to avoid costly restoration is important. Here are some tips on how to prevent water damage in your commercial building: 

  • Inspecting the roof at least twice per year 
  • Clean the roof drains of debris
  • Clean out the gutters
  • Examine the sheet metal and copings
  • Check for wrinkles or tearing on the roof
  • Conduct a moisture survey to find leaks

You need professional help from a company that provides excellent results while minimizing the disruption to your staff and clients. Moreover, disasters rarely occur during normal business hours. That is why our Disaster Remediation Teams are available 24 hours a day, every day of the year, including holidays, to answer your call and begin work.

SERVPRO of Natick, Milford is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you and help you with your commercial damage. “Like it never even happened.”

SERVPRO of Natick, Milford Restores Commercial Buildings

2/16/2022 (Permalink)

Orange background with text and SERVPRO logo SERVPRO of Natick Milford offers many mitigation and restoration services to many different types of commercial properties.

SERVPRO of Natick, Milford offers many mitigation and restoration services to many different types of commercial properties. We have a comprehensive approach to recovering commercial disasters and will be there when you need us the most. 

The types of commercial properties that we work on are:

  • Small Office & Large Office Buildings
  • Apartment Buildings
  • Restaurants
  • Hotel/Motels
  • Manufacturing & Industrial
  • Government/Military
  • Small/Large Retail Stores

SERVPRO of Natick, Milford is available 24 hours a day to restore your Natick property and get you back to business. We have the expertise, equipment, and highly trained personnel to handle your commercial water, fire, or mold damage.

SERVPRO of Natick, Milford is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you and help you with your commercial damage. “Like it never even happened.”

SERVPRO Natick Milford Helps Restore Your Commercial Property After a Fire

2/3/2022 (Permalink)

Orange background with text and SERVPRO logo Heat and smoke damage from a fire can destroy structures. They can also leave the building dangerous and unsafe.

Fire can do a lot of damage to businesses. In fact, most businesses that suffer a large fire simply never reopen their doors again. Businesses may be impacted by a disaster such as a tornado or flooding. 

With proper clean-up and repairs, a business can open the doors and start connecting with customers again in no time. 

Heat and smoke damage from a fire can destroy structures. They can also leave the building dangerous and unsafe. It is vital to call experts as soon as possible, so you can restore your building in a timely and efficient manner. 

SERVPRO Natick Milford has a 24-hour response team. We are able to begin work immediately, so your business time doesn’t need to be down for long periods of time. 

Our experts will assess the damage then begin work and plan for the clean-up. This involves smoke and fire damage. We also remove the water and foam that will have been used by the fire service to extinguish the blaze.

We will work with you to restore your commercial premises back to a fully functioning business environment as quickly as possible. 

SERVPRO Natick Milford is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you and help you with your commercial fire damage. “Like it never even happened.” 

SERVPRO Natick Milford offers Fire Remediation Services to Your Commercial Building

2/1/2022 (Permalink)

Orange background with text and SERVPRO logo Fires are usually unexpected and can be devastating. A plan provides information regarding the procedures to follow in case of an emergency

It is important to have a fire safety plan in place. We never know when a fire may happen and be proactive can help.  Don’t panic if your business building is on fire. 

Instead, call the professionals at SERVPRO Natick Milford and let us expedite the restoration process. 

Fires are usually unexpected and can be devastating.  A plan not only provides information regarding the procedures to follow in case of an emergency but also informs your employees and occupants of their safety.

Your fire safety plan should highlight emergency procedures to be used in case of a fire, including

  • Sounding the alarm
  • Notifying the fire department
  • Evacuate route for building occupants.

All employees and managers should be aware of the plan and professionally trained. The time to learn safety procedures is not during an emergency.

SERVPRO Natick Milford is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you and help you with your commercial damage. “Like it never even happened.” 

SERVPRO Natick Milford Uses Emergency Readiness Plan For Businesses

1/19/2022 (Permalink)

Green background with orange SERVPRO logo and title. We never know when a disaster will happen, but it is important to have a plan ready.

Would your business be ready if a disaster hits? 

We never know when a disaster will happen, but it is important to have a plan ready. Without proper preparation, a minor emergency can have tragic consequences. That is why all employers should create a contingency plan.

An Emergency Readiness Plan must include the following:

  • A procedure for reporting emergencies
  • An evacuation plan
  • A way to account for all employees after the evacuation
  • Medical or rescue duties being performed by employees, if applicable

Your plan should include a description of the various alarms that will go off in the event of an emergency. Make sure that any disabled workers will be able to understand the alarm system.

You may also want to come up with an alternative location where everyone can gather in the event of a fire or other disaster. 

Once the plan is in place, select an employee to lead the facility. That person will oversee the evacuation procedures and decide when to activate them.

Employees should also be trained so they understand the plan. Consider holding practice drills to test, and you can then adjust it accordingly.

SERVPRO Natick Milford is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you and help you with commercial damage. “Like it never even happened.” 

SERVPRO Natick Milford Helps Restoration For Residential And Commercial Buildings

1/18/2022 (Permalink)

Green box with text and orange SERVPRO logo SERVPRO will be there for you from the time you request services until the job has been completed to your satisfaction.

SERVPRO will be there for you from the time you request services until the job has been completed to your satisfaction. You can call on a project manager from your first point of contact and throughout the entire remediation process. They collaborate with you while working with our great team of technicians to restore your home or business to a like-new state. 

We take pride in our major advantages such as: 

  • 24-Hour Emergency Service
  • Faster to Any Size Disaster
  • Highly Trained Restoration Technicians
  • A Trusted Leader in the Restoration Industry
  • Locally Owned and Operated
  • Advanced Restoration and Cleaning Equipment

 SERVPRO Natick Milford is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you and help you with residential or commercial fire damage. “Like it never even happened.” 

We Have The Resources To Tackle Your Commercial Remediation

2/26/2021 (Permalink)

There are many ways water can wreak havoc on your commercial property, including damaged pipes, flooding, and severe weather. Fortunately, if any of these were to occur, SERVPRO of Natick/Milford is here to help. Here are several common water damage problems that we have the equipment, certified technicians and experience to help you with.


Storms can be scary, especially if you're unprepared for severe weather. High winds can remove shingles from the roof or blow drifting debris into your commercial property. If you have clogged gutters or drainage areas, storm rains can cause them to overflow which can cause a number of problems if unattended.

Broken Pipes

Often times building maintenance can be swept under the rug. A business can suffer serious water damage due to old, rotted and damaged pipes or pipes that burst. Leaking pipes can leave puddles of water in areas area bathrooms, employee break rooms, service sinks, and emergency eyewash stations. As soon as you recognize that there is a leak, it is important to have the problem fixed as quickly as possible. 

If left unattended, leaking pipes can lead to consequential secondary damages like mold growth. Thankfully our Disaster Remediation Technicians are certified in commercial antimicrobial remediation


Similarly to storms, there are a number of ways that flooding can occur. Flooding can come about from broken pipes, faulty sprinkler systems, sewer back ups, and drainage overflows. It is important to recognize that because the path of water flow is difficult to trace in a flood, flood water is classified as black water. Black water, once cleaned up, requires certain sanitation steps to be followed. SERVPRO of Natick/Milford is equipped for to handle any sized commercial water damage restoration and biohazard cleanup.

Disaster does not have to derail your business for the long term. When it strikes your business contact the experts of SERVPRO of Natick/Milford at (774) 290-4300!  We will make it, "Like it never even happened."

Commercial Remediation, Yup We Have Cleaned That

2/23/2021 (Permalink)

Many Natick, Ma businesses have been around for decades, with the community heavily relying on them. The importance of these small businesses becomes increasingly apparent should they suffer commercial water damage. Without proper and prompt remediation, water can ruin the inventory. SERVPRO of Natick/Milford are hear to help. In fact, SERVPRO has a longstanding history of helping many industries recover from a disaster. The lessons learned over the years become the foundation for SERVPRO's disaster remediation technician training curriculum.    

Water damage can lead to rusted railings and platforms, brittleness in plastic-covered equipment, and microbial growth. Water's capability to seep into cracks and grooves in surfaces, and to travel extensively, means your inventory faces extreme risk. The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Natick/Milford eliminate these problems before they cause profit loss, increase workers' absence rates, and other problems.

Our training is extensive, and results in certification by the IICRC includes Commercial Drying (CDS). Knowing your business relies on our skills, we maintain our equipment so that we can put it to work for you at a moment's notice. Our tools and machines can complete the work required, regardless of the amount of complexity in the situation.

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Natick/Milford are on call 24-hours a day, every day of the year, including holidays! We will work alongside your employees, keeping any downtime your company experiences to a minimum. We can help move inventory to dry locations while our other crew members set up and supervise desiccation machinery in affected areas. We understand that your customers may have their own concerns and we can discuss with you how you wish to approach such requests for information.

Commercial Remediation Requires Professionals

2/11/2021 (Permalink)

Have you or one of your employees detected a water leak somewhere in your Natick, Ma commercial property? Neglecting, even a seemingly minor issue, it could easily turn into something much worse. Water damage often occurs over a long period of time, sometimes without you even noticing it. No matter what causes the issue, make sure you enlist the expertise of a professional to help you clean up.

Potential Consequences

Water can infiltrate your commercial property because of any number of reasons. Broken pipes, sewer back-up, heavy rains, leaking windows or doors, or a damaged roof all can lead to significant water damage and can create problems for your business such as;

  1. Damage to documents, electronics and other important materials
  2. Damage to the structure of your building
  3. Damage to carpet or furniture
  4. Disruption of business operations or the need to relocate to another facility.

Professional Experience

Calling a reputable, professional water remediation company is the right first step to take. SERVPRO of Natick/Milford has a proven track record of helping businesses of all sizes deal with water damage. When you bring us on the job there is no guesswork involved; instead, we will use best practices and sound tactics to clean up the water, sanitize the affected area and rebuild where necessary.

Professional Tools

For most commercial sized water damage cleanup jobs heavy-duty equipment is necessary to completely remove any and all moisture as efficiently as possible. Our Disaster Remediation Technicians are certified water mitigation specialists. They use high-powered tools such as water extractors, fans and sanitizing agents to ensure your workplace is once again safe and comfortable.

Water damage doesn't have to derail your business for the long term. Should disaster strike your business contact the experts of SERVPRO of Natick/Milford at (774) 290-4300!  We will make it, "Like it never even happened."

Commercial Remediation Experts

2/1/2021 (Permalink)

Winter is here and our good old fashioned New England weather is finally upon us!  The bitter cold and winter storms can have a huge impact on your Milford, Ma business.  Frigid temperatures, heavy snow and ice can all contribute to property damage.  Whether you are ready for it or not, SERVPRO of Natick/Milford wants you and your property to be prepared for the harsh winter weather in New England.

While you cannot control the weather, you can make efforts to be prepared and protect your property.  To help avoid damages due to inclement winter weather conditions, consider taking the following precautions to protect your business before more extreme winter weather hits.

Protect your Property:

  1. Check your roof: Both snow and ice can damage your roof and could potentially cause the roof to collapse.  Water can also get into cracks and expand when it freezes, causing larger cracks on your roof.
  2. Ensure your pipes are insulated: Frigid temperatures can cause pipes to freeze and break, which can lead to flooding in your business.
  3. Protect your people: Clear sidewalks and plow parking lots for the safety of your customers, clients and employees.  Avoid injuries and accidents by taking the proper precautions.  Removing snow and ice can prevent people from getting hurt.
  4. Ice Dams: When snow melts unevenly and freezes at the edge of your roof, an ice dam is created which prevents melted snow from draining off the roof.  The water can leak under the shingle and into your business, causing significant water damage.
  5. Snow-melt Flooding: Heavy amounts of snowfall and sheets of ice turn into a large amount of water, which all must go somewhere. Beware of snow-melt flooding and call SERVPRO of Natick/Milford if your business has water damage from flooding.

Should disaster strike your business contact the experts of SERVPRO of Natick/Milford at (774) 290-4300!  We will make it, "Like it never even happened."

Commercial Fire Preparation

1/22/2021 (Permalink)

Most Hopedale, MA business owners have a business plan in place. Goals are identified, metrics for achieving those goals are established and the procedures for running the day-to-day operations are set. The most common component missing from even the most comprehensive business plan, disaster recovery!

No matter what type of business you conduct at your workplace fire safety should always be a main concern. Here are a few fire safety tips to follow and distribute to your employees.

Fire Prevention

  1. Keep your work area free of waste paper, trash and other items that can easily catch fire
  2. Replace damaged electrical cords immediately
  3. Do not to lay electrical cords in places where they can be stepped on or tripped over
  4. Don't overload your circuits
  5. Turn off electrical appliances at the end of each day
  6. Keep heat-producing equipment away from anything that might burn  

In The Event Of A Fire

  1. Call 911 immediately 
  2. Close doors when exiting to help limit the spread of smoke and fire throughout the building
  3. Never use elevators during an evacuation
  4. Follow the escape plan and meet at a pre-determined place outside of your building and away from danger
  5. Conduct a headcount to ensure all of your staff has evacuated

The best way to ensure the safety of your employees is through both fire prevention and preparation. Holding regular disaster preparedness meetings is a great way to do so.

Should your business suffer fire damage, contact the fire remediation experts of SERVPRO of Natick/Milford at (774) 290-4300!  We will make it, "Like it never even happened."

SERVPRO Emergency Ready Profile

1/22/2021 (Permalink)

Studies show that 50% of businesses affected by a disaster will not reopen. Whether it's a large fire or water damage caused by a faulty sprinkler system, incidences such as these can be catastrophic to any Blackstone, Ma business.

Businesses that do recover have one thing in common - they had emergency preparedness planning in place. Unexpected emergencies can happen at any time, being prepared for these events will help minimize the interruption to your operations and get your business back up and running as quick and cost-effectively as possible.

To help business owners SERVPRO has developed the Emergency Ready Profile (ERP). The ERP is a comprehensive centralized repository containing critical property information that gives our Disaster Remediation Teams invaluable insight into the potential scope of the emergency prior to arriving on site! When an emergency strikes every second wasted in responding increases the cost of recovery. Having an ERP on file with SERVPRO of Natick/Milford enables our Teams to arrive onsite properly equipped and ready to take action!  

There are no contracts to sign and setting up an ERP is a FREE service offered to all of our commercial clients! Our goal is to help ensure everyone is educated and prepared should disaster strike. The ERP is accessible electronically, making sharing the information easy. Hard copies are also available upon request.

Preparation is a key component for surviving any size disaster and an ERP is a key component of any well rounded disaster remediation plan. By developing a SERVPRO Emergency Ready Profile our clients know that a mitigation action plan is in place which will minimize the interruption to their business operations.  

SERVPRO of Natick/Milford is here to support your business and ensure you're ready in the event of an emergency. Contact our office at (774) 290-4300 to begin the processes of building an ERP today!